What is the Parent Forum?

The 2006 Parental Involvement Act states that every school in Scotland has a Parent Forum which consists of all the parents/carers who have a child at the school. They are automatically members, whether they like it or not! 

What is a Parent Council?

The Parent Council is the committee appointed by the Parent Forum to run matters on its behalf.  A Parent Council is not run by the school or the local authority but by the parents in the school.  The local authority should support a Parent Council both financially and through advice/support.

What do Parent Councils do?

The main aim of the Parent Council is to help the school operate as a successful school and to try to represent all parents/carers.

  • There is an important role in improving links between all parents and the school;
  • Make sure that parents get the information they need in an accessible way and that the school staff gets feedback on parents' views;
  • Discuss any issue that's of interest to parents;
  • As part of Curriculum for Excellence, parental involvement in their children's learning is recognised as very important: the PC has a role to play in working out how this can happen.
  • Represent parents' views to the education authority and others on those issues that are of concern to parents, pupils and staff with an awareness of equality and fairness. Although issues from individual parents should not be pursued, it might be an opportunity to address the issue in a more general way.

If you would like to become involved in the Parent Council, please check our School Events to find out when the next meeting is and watch this short animation for 7 Reasons You Should Join the Parent Council (opens new window).