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Health and Wellbeing - 30.03.20

Good Morning Primary 6, how are you all?  I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and spent some quality time with your families.  It’s such a beautiful morning so maybe you can get out to your garden for some fresh air or go for a short walk.

Here is your HWB lesson for this week:

Kindness is one of our school values and we are always thinking of different ways to be kind.  Read this article and discuss it with someone at home.
What did you think of what this shop did?
Who was benefiting the most?
Why did the shopkeepers decide to do this?
Think about things that you could do at home to spread kindness.  Could you make a picture for an elderly neighbour?  Offer to help Mum set the table?  Help a younger brother/sister with their school work?  Write a letter to thank the doctors and nurses?
Share your random acts of kindness with me on the class notebook setting on Teams, write it in your jotters, post it on our HWB channel or you can even send me a photo of what you write!   You choose whatever method is easiest for you and also a time that is suitable to you!
I know what a kind bunch you are so I am looking forward to hearing your ideas.  Have a great day!
Mrs Barker
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